The Future of Farming

Today’s farmers are confronted by an array of complex challenges, including increasing demand due to global population growth, soil degradation, environmental health and safety concerns, changing environmental conditions, and concerns over the safety and nutritional value of agricultural products. Continuing to manage agriculture using the principles of the 20th century will no longer suffice to meet the demands that face our world today.

“Advanced sensing techniques, will assist modern growers in achieving higher crop yields, lower agricultural input costs, and reduced risk.”

Excelsior Aerospace Corporation is working to leverage the latest advances in robotics, remote sensing, and advanced analytics to empower U.S. growers to operate their farms with greater productivity and reduced environmental impact. To learn more about how you can join us in working toward the future of farming, contact us here.

Advanced Sensing Insights:

  • Plant Stress Indicators
  • Disease Detection
  • Pest Detection
  • Nutrient and Water Deficiency Detection
  • Crop Yield Prediction

Potential Grower Benefits:

  • Improved Crop Yields
  • Lower Input Costs
  • Reduced Risk
  • More Accurate Forecasting
  • Reduced Environmental Impact